JNative v1.3 project : see http://jnative.sf.net

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbstractBasicData<T> - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
AbstractBasicData(T) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
AbstractMemoryBlock - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory
$Id: AbstractMemoryBlock.java,v 1.3 2006/06/09 20:44:04 mdenty Exp $ New Memory blocks should extends this class This software is released under the LGPL.
addCallback(Callback) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
addEndSessionListener(Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
Advapi32 - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.util
$Id: Advapi32.java,v 1.4 2006/06/09 20:44:04 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
Advapi32() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
allocMemory(int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method allocMemory allocates native block of memory : don't forget to free it with freeMemory(int)!!!!
asLONG() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer


BasicData<T> - Interface in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
$Id: BasicData.java,v 1.5 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ Instances of BasicData are specialized blocks of memory They are values, memory, pointers to the memory This software is released under the LGPL.
BasicRegData - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry
$Id: BasicRegData.java,v 1.1 2006/06/05 21:22:02 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
BasicRegData(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.BasicRegData
byteArrayIntoBytes(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
bytesIntoBoolean(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
bytesIntoDouble(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
bytesIntoFloat(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
bytesIntoInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
bytesIntoLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
bytesIntoShort(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter


callback(int, long[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Callback - Interface in org.xvolks.jnative.util
$Id: Callback.java,v 1.6 2006/12/07 21:44:31 mdenty Exp $ Callback.java This software is released under the LGPL.
callback(long[]) - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.util.Callback
Method callback
callback(long[]) - Method in class org.xvolks.test.callbacks.EnumCallback
Method callback
ChooseColor - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
$Id: ChooseColor.java,v 1.2 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
ChooseColor() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
ChooseColor(HWND, HWND, LONG, LPARAM, Callback, String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.ComDlg32
CloseHandle(HANDLE) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
Closes an open object handle.
ComDlg32 - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.util
$Id: ComDlg32.java,v 1.2 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
ComDlg32() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.util.ComDlg32
Convention - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative
Represents the call convention of the function (STDCALL, CDECL) $Id$ This software is released under the LGPL.
createCallback(int, Callback) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method createCallback when a callback is no more used you should/must release it with releaseCallback
createFile(String, int, int, SecurityAttributes, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
HANDLE CreateFile( LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile );
CreateFile(String, Kernel32.AccessMask, Kernel32.ShareMode, SecurityAttributes, Kernel32.CreationDisposition, Kernel32.FileAttribute, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
CreateFileMapping(HANDLE, SecurityAttributes, Kernel32.PageAccess, DWORD, DWORD, String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
CreateFileMapping Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file.
createMemoryBlock(int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.MemoryBlockFactory
createPointer() - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.BasicData
Method createPointer reserves a native MemoryBlock and copy its value in it
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.DOUBLE
Method createPointer
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.FLOAT
Method createPointer
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.HWND
Method createPointer
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.INT64
Method createPointer
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.LONG
Method createPointer
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.UINT
Method createPointer
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FILETIME
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
Method createPointer reserves a native MemoryBlock and copy its value in it
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG
Method createPointer
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point
Method createPointer reserves a native MemoryBlock and copy its value in it
createPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
CreateWindowEx(int, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
HWND CreateWindowEx( DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, -3 for HWND_MESSAGE (Message only windows) HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam );
createWindowEx(int, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
HWND CreateWindowEx( DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, -3 for HWND_MESSAGE (Message only windows) HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam );
CreateWindowEx(int, LONG, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
CW_USEDEFAULT - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants


DbgHelp - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.util
DbgHelp() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.util.DbgHelp
DEBUG - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum org.xvolks.jnative.Convention
defWindowProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
DELETE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
dispatchMessage(MSG) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
dispose() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method dispose free native pointers and memory internally used by the jnative dll No more calls to this dll can be done when dispose is called !!
dispose() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
dispose() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.GlobalMemoryBlock
Method dispose provides a way to free the memory
dispose() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.HeapMemoryBlock
Method dispose provides a way to free the memory
dispose() - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.MemoryBlock
Method dispose provides a way to free the memory
dispose() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.NativeMemoryBlock
Method dispose provides a way to free the memory This implementation does nothing as we do not know how this memory block was allocated
dispose() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method dispose does nothing because there is no need to free some memory
dispose() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method dispose frees the memory addressed by this pointer
DLL_NAME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Gdi32
DLL_NAME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
DLL_NAME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.ComDlg32
DLL_NAME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.DbgHelp
DLL_NAME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
DLL_NAME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.PsAPI
DLL_NAME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
DOUBLE - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
DOUBLE(double) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.DOUBLE
doubleIntoBytes(double, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
drive - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FreeDiskSpace
dwActiveProcessorMask - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
dwAllocationGranularity - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
dwLength - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
dwMemoryLoad - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
dwNumberOfProcessors - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
DWORD - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
DWORD(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.DWORD
dwPageSize - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
dwProcessorType - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo


endSessionOccured(Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener.Origin) - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener
This event is only avaliable if launched with javaw.exe (windows)
EnumCallback - Class in org.xvolks.test.callbacks
$Id: EnumCallback.java,v 1.5 2006/10/15 10:24:52 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
EnumCallback() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.test.callbacks.EnumCallback
EnumProcess(int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.PsAPI
The EnumProcesses function retrieves the process identifier for each process object in the system.
EnumProcessModules(HANDLE, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.PsAPI
Retrieves a handle for each module in the specified process.
EnumWindows(Callback, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
EnumWindows Function The EnumWindows function enumerates all top-level windows on the screen by passing the handle to each window, in turn, to an application-defined callback function.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.HANDLE
equals(Object) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM


FILETIME - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
FILETIME Contains a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).
FILETIME() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FILETIME
finalize() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
finalize() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
FindCloseChangeNotification(HANDLE) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
FindCloseChangeNotification The FindCloseChangeNotification function stops change notification handle monitoring.
FindFirstChangeNotification(String, boolean, DWORD) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
FindFirstChangeNotification The FindFirstChangeNotification function creates a change notification handle and sets up initial change notification filter conditions.
FindNextChangeNotification(HANDLE) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
FindNextChangeNotification The FindNextChangeNotification function requests that the operating system signal a change notification handle the next time it detects an appropriate change.
findWindow(String, String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
HWND FindWindow( LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName );
fireEndSessionOccured(Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener.Origin) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
fireQueryEndSessionOccured(Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener.Origin) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
fireShutdownOccured(Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener.Origin) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
FLOAT - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
FLOAT(float) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.FLOAT
floatIntoBytes(float, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
FreeDiskSpace - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
FreeDiskSpace this utility class is created and populated by Kernel32.getDiskFreeSpaceEx().
FreeDiskSpace(String, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FreeDiskSpace
freeMemory(int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method freeMemory try to free the block of memory pointed by pointer
No checks are done to see if the pointer is valid (TODO ?)
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.Convention
fromInt(Integer) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegValueTypes


Gdi32 - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
Gdi32() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Gdi32
getAsByte(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method getAsByte
getAsByte(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getAsByte
getAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getAsDouble
getAsFloat(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getAsFloat
getAsInt(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method getAsInt
getAsInt(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getAsInt
getAsLong(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method getAsLong
getAsLong(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getAsLong
getAsShort(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method getAsShort
getAsShort(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getAsShort
getAsString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method getAsString
getAsString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getAsString
getAvailableCallbacks() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Deprecated. this method returns always 1000
getCallbackAddress() - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.util.Callback
This method should call JNative.createCallback() AND MUST allow multiple calls Something like : abstract class MyCallback implements Callback { private int myAddress = -1; public int getCallbackAddress() throws NativeException { if(myAddress == -1) { myAddress = JNative.createCallback(numParam, this); } return myAddress; } }
getCallbackAddress() - Method in class org.xvolks.test.callbacks.EnumCallback
getCbClsExtra() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getCbWndExtra() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getComputerName() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
getCurrentModule() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getCurrentModule
getDiskFreeSpaceEx(String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
getDLLFileExports(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getDLLFileExports gets all the names of the functions exported by a library
getDLLFileExports(String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getDLLFileExports gets all the names of the functions exported by a library
getDLLName() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getDLLName
getErrorCode() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.BasicRegData
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getFunctionName
getFunctionPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Gets the native pointer of a function, can be used to pass function pointer to an other function.
getHbrBackground() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getHCursor() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getHIcon() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getHighDateTime() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FILETIME
getHInstance() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getLastError() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
getLastErrorCode() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
getLibDesc(String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
getLowDateTime() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FILETIME
getLpcbData() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.BasicRegData
getLpcbSecurityDescriptor() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegQueryKey
getLpcMaxClassLen() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegQueryKey
getLpcMaxSubKeyLen() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegQueryKey
getLpcMaxValueLen() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegQueryKey
getLpcMaxValueNameLen() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegQueryKey
getLpcSubKeys() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegQueryKey
getLpcValueName() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegKey
getLpcValueName() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegValue
getLpcValues() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegQueryKey
getLpData() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.BasicRegData
getLpfnWndProc() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getLpLastWriteTime() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.TimedRegData
getLpSecurityDescriptor() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
Returns LpSecurityDescriptor
getLpszClassName() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getLpszMenuName() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getLpType() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegData
getLpValueName() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegKey
getLpValueName() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegValue
getMemory(int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getMemory
getMemory() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method getMemory
getMemory() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getMemory
getMemoryAsString(int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getMemoryAsString
getMessage() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG
Method getMessage()
getMessage(MSG, HWND, int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
GetModuleBaseName(HANDLE, int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.PsAPI
Retrieves the base name of the specified module.
getNativeSystemInfo() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
typedef struct _SYSTEM_INFO { union { DWORD dwOemId; struct { WORD wProcessorArchitecture; WORD wReserved; }; }; DWORD dwPageSize; LPVOID lpMinimumApplicationAddress; LPVOID lpMaximumApplicationAddress; DWORD_PTR dwActiveProcessorMask; DWORD dwNumberOfProcessors; DWORD dwProcessorType; DWORD dwAllocationGranularity; WORD wProcessorLevel; WORD wProcessorRevision; } SYSTEM_INFO;
getNativeType() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.Type
getNextByte() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
getNextInt() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
getNextLong() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
getNextShort() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
getNLength() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
Returns NLength
getNVMData(int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
getParameter(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getParameter
getPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
Method getPointer
getPointer() - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.BasicData
Method getPointer gets the Pointer created by createPointer()
getPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG
Method getPointer
getPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
getPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.AbstractMemoryBlock
Method getPointer
getPointer() - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.MemoryBlock
Method getPointer
getPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method getPointer
getPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getPointer
getRetVal() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getRetVal gets the value returned by the function, should be verified to avoid invalid pointers when getting out values
getRetValAsInt() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method getRetValAsInt gets the value returned by the function, should be verified to avoid invalid pointers when getting out values
getSize() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.AbstractMemoryBlock
Method getSize
getSize() - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.MemoryBlock
Method getSize
getSize() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method getSize
getSize() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method getSize
getSizeOf() - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.BasicData
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.DOUBLE
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.FLOAT
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.HWND
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.INT64
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.LONG
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.UINT
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FILETIME
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point
Method getSizeOf
getSizeOf() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
GetStockObject(int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Gdi32
GetStockObject The GetStockObject function retrieves a handle to one of the stock pens, brushes, fonts, or palettes.
getStyle() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
getStyle() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
getType() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.Type
getUnitStatus() - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.Convention
getValue() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
Method getValue
getValue() - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.BasicData
Method getValue gets the value of this BasicData (often this)
getValue() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.DOUBLE
getValue() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.FLOAT
getValue() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.LONG
getValue() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.UINT
getValue() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
getValue() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG
Method getValue
getValue() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point
Method getValue
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegValueTypes
getValue() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants.Limits
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants.winuser.WM
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.AccessMask
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.CreationDisposition
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.FileAttribute
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.FileMap
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.PageAccess
getValue() - Method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.ShareMode
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
getValueFromPointer() - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.BasicData
Method getValueFromPointer gets the value of this data from the native memory block
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.DOUBLE
Method getValueFromPointer
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.FLOAT
Method getValueFromPointer
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.HWND
Method getValueFromPointer
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.INT64
Method getValueFromPointer
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.LONG
Method getValueFromPointer
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.UINT
Method getValueFromPointer
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FILETIME
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
Method getValueFromPointer
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG
Method getValueFromPointer
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point
Method getValueFromPointer
getValueFromPointer() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
GetWindowText(HWND) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
getX() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point
Returns X
getY() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point
Returns Y
GHND - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.GlobalMemoryBlock
GlobalMemoryBlock - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory
GlobalMemoryBlock(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.GlobalMemoryBlock
GlobalMemoryBlock(int, int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.GlobalMemoryBlock
globalMemoryStatusEx() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
Method globalMemoryStatusEx BOOL GlobalMemoryStatusEx( LPMEMORYSTATUSEX lpBuffer ); Parameters lpBuffer [in, out] Pointer to a MEMORYSTATUSEX structure that receives information about current memory availability.
GMEM_FIXED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.GlobalMemoryBlock
GMEM_MOVEABLE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.GlobalMemoryBlock
GMEM_ZEROINIT - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.GlobalMemoryBlock
GPTR - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.GlobalMemoryBlock
GWL_EXSTYLE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWL_HINSTANCE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWL_HWNDPARENT - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWL_ID - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWL_STYLE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWL_USERDATA - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWL_WNDPROC - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWLP_HINSTANCE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWLP_HWNDPARENT - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWLP_ID - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWLP_USERDATA - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
GWLP_WNDPROC - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants


HANDLE - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
$Id: HANDLE.java,v 1.2 2006/10/13 20:59:42 mdenty Exp $ HANDLE.java This software is released under the LGPL.
HANDLE(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.HANDLE
hashCode() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.HANDLE
HeapMemoryBlock - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory
HeapMemoryBlock(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.HeapMemoryBlock
HKEY - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
HKEY Handles.
HKEY(Integer) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HKEY_DYN_DATA - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HKEY_USERS - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.HKEY
HWND - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
$Id: HWND.java,v 1.5 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
HWND(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.HWND


ImageRvaToVa(Pointer, Pointer, LONG, Pointer) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.DbgHelp
ImageRvaToVa Locates a relative virtual address (RVA) within the image header of a file that is mapped as a file and returns the virtual address of the corresponding byte in the file.
INIT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
INIT_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
INIT_INI_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
INIT_INVALID_PORTNUMBER - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
INIT_MANAGER_START_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
INIT_SHUTTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
INIT_SOCKET_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
INIT_SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
INIT_VERSION_ERROR - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
initCallbacks() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Deprecated. this method does nothing now
INT64 - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
INT64(long) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.INT64
intIntoBytes(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.HANDLE
invoke() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method invoke calls the function
IsBadReadPtr(Pointer) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
IsBadReadPtr Verifies that the calling process has read access to the specified range of memory.
isBInheritHandle() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
Returns BInheritHandle
isLinux() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Returns true if the current running platfrom is Linux
isNull() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
isWindows() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Returns true if the current running platfrom is Windows


JNative - Class in org.xvolks.jnative
JNative this is the main class for calling native functions.
JNative(int, Convention) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Creates a function without debug output that can call an anonymous function by it's address * @exception NativeException if the dll was not found, function name is incorrect...
JNative(String, String) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Constructor exact call of new JNative(dllName, functionName, false, Convention.DEFAULT);
Creates a function without debug output
JNative(String, String, Convention) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Constructor exact call of new JNative(dllName, functionName, false, convention);
Creates a function without debug output
JNative(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Constructor exact call of new JNative(dllName, functionName, debug, Convention.DEFAULT);
Creates a function without debug output
JNative(String, String, boolean, Convention) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
JNative.LibDesc - Class in org.xvolks.jnative
JNative.LibDesc() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative.LibDesc
JNativeTester - Class in org.xvolks.test
$Id: JNativeTester.java,v 1.25 2006/12/14 21:47:08 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
JNativeTester() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.test.JNativeTester


Kernel32 - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.util
Kernel32 this is the class wrapper to Kernel32.dll.
Kernel32() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
Kernel32.AccessMask - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.util
The specific rights (bits 0 to 15).
Kernel32.CreationDisposition - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.util
Kernel32.FileAttribute - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.util
Kernel32.FileMap - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.util
Kernel32.PageAccess - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.util
Kernel32.ShareMode - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.util
KEY_ALL_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_CREATE_LINK - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_EXECUTE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_NOTIFY - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_QUERY_VALUE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_READ - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_SET_VALUE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_WOW64_32KEY - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_WOW64_64KEY - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KEY_WRITE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
KillProcess - Class in org.xvolks.test
$Id: KillProcess.java,v 1.3 2006/05/27 14:58:15 mdenty Exp $ KillProcess.java
KillProcess(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.test.KillProcess
killProcess() - Method in class org.xvolks.test.KillProcess


lFreeBytesAvailable - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FreeDiskSpace
Limits - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants
LinuxCallback - Class in org.xvolks.test.callbacks.linux
LinuxCallback() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.test.callbacks.linux.LinuxCallback
listKey(HKEY) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
loadDDValueFromNVM() - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
LoadIcon(LONG, String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
HICON LoadIcon( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR lpIconName ); Parameters hInstance [in] Handle to an instance of the module whose executable file contains the icon to be loaded.
LoadIcon(LONG, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
LONG - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
LONG(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.LONG
longIntoBytes(long, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
LPARAM - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
$Id: LPARAM.java,v 1.4 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
LPARAM(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.LPARAM
lpMaximumApplicationAddress - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
lpMinimumApplicationAddress - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
LRESULT - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
$Id: LRESULT.java,v 1.3 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
LRESULT(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.LRESULT
lTotalNumberOfBytes - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FreeDiskSpace
lTotalNumberOfFreeBytes - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FreeDiskSpace


Machine - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.machine
$Id: Machine.java,v 1.3 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
Machine() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.machine.Machine
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.ComDlg32
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.bug._1456493_npe
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.bug._1461912_mem_leak
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.callbacks.TestCallback
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.JNativeTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.KillProcess
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
MapViewOfFileEx(HANDLE, Kernel32.FileMap, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, LONG) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
MapViewOfFileEx Maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of a calling process.
MemoryBlock - Interface in org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory
$Id: MemoryBlock.java,v 1.4 2006/06/09 20:44:04 mdenty Exp $ This interface represents a block of native memory This software is released under the LGPL.
MemoryBlockFactory - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory
$Id: MemoryBlockFactory.java,v 1.4 2006/06/09 20:44:04 mdenty Exp $ This factory permits to reserve a block of memory of the default type HeapMemoryBlock : is currently the default type.
MemoryStatusEx - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
MemoryStatusEx() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
messageBox(int, String, String, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
MSG - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
$Id: MSG.java,v 1.7 2006/11/22 14:17:25 mdenty Exp $ TODO : Create each value : createPointer should copy values in memory and back TODO : this should be a BasicData The C structure typedef struct {   HWND hwnd;   UINT message;   WPARAM wParam;   LPARAM lParam;   DWORD time;   POINT pt; } MSG, *PMSG; This software is released under the LGPL.
MSG() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG
MSG.WindowsConstants - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
MSG.WindowsConstants() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
mValue - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData


NativeException - Exception in org.xvolks.jnative.exceptions
NativeException : this exception is thrown if something goes wrong in the native side.
NativeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.xvolks.jnative.exceptions.NativeException
NativeMemoryBlock - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory
NativeMemoryBlock(int, int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.NativeMemoryBlock
NULL - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
NullPointer - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.pointers
$Id: NullPointer.java,v 1.8 2006/06/09 20:44:04 mdenty Exp $; This class encapsulate a native NULL pointer.
NullPointer() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Constructor creates a null Pointer with a size of allocated memory set to zero


offset - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
OpenProcess(int, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
Opens an existing process object.
or(REGSAM) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.REGSAM
Performs a logical or between two REGSAM objects
org.xvolks.jnative - package org.xvolks.jnative
org.xvolks.jnative.exceptions - package org.xvolks.jnative.exceptions
org.xvolks.jnative.misc - package org.xvolks.jnative.misc
org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures - package org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
org.xvolks.jnative.misc.machine - package org.xvolks.jnative.misc.machine
org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry - package org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry
org.xvolks.jnative.pointers - package org.xvolks.jnative.pointers
org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory - package org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory
org.xvolks.jnative.util - package org.xvolks.jnative.util
org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants - package org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants
org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants.winuser - package org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants.winuser
org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session - package org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session
org.xvolks.test - package org.xvolks.test
org.xvolks.test.bug - package org.xvolks.test.bug
org.xvolks.test.callbacks - package org.xvolks.test.callbacks
org.xvolks.test.callbacks.linux - package org.xvolks.test.callbacks.linux


parseInt(String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
parse a hex string into an int.
parseLong(String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
parseShort(String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
Point - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
$Id: Point.java,v 1.5 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ Structure C typedef struct tagPOINT {   LONG x;   LONG y; } POINT, *PPOINT, NEAR *NPPOINT, FAR *LPPOINT; This software is released under the LGPL.
Point() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point
Point(int, int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point
pointer - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
Pointer - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.pointers
$Id: Pointer.java,v 1.8 2006/11/25 10:42:19 mdenty Exp $; This class encapsulate a native pointer.
Pointer(MemoryBlock) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Constructor : allocates size memory block in the native side
PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_SET_QUOTA - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_TERMINATE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_VM_OPERATION - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_VM_READ - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PROCESS_VM_WRITE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
PsAPI - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.util
$Id: PsAPI.java,v 1.5 2006/10/03 21:38:39 mdenty Exp $ PsAPI.java This software is released under the LGPL.
PsAPI() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.util.PsAPI


queryEndSessionOccured(Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener.Origin) - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener
Called when a EndSession event is detected


READ_CONTROL - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
RegCloseKey(HKEY) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
RegCloseKey Closes a handle to the specified registry key.
RegData - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry
$Id: RegData.java,v 1.1 2006/06/05 21:22:02 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
RegData(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegData
RegEnumKeyEx(HKEY, int, RegKey) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
RegEnumKeyEx Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key.
RegEnumValue(HKEY, int, RegValue) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
RegEnumValue Enumerates the values for the specified open registry key.
RegGetValue(HKEY, String, String, int, RegData) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
RegGetValue Retrieves the type and data for the specified registry value.
RegisterClass(WNDCLASS) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
RegisterClass Function The RegisterClass function registers a window class for subsequent use in calls to the CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx function.
registerEndSessionHook(String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
Be aware that calling this method eats one callback and the registerWindowProc slot !
registerWindowProc(int, WindowProc) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method registerWindowProc register a WindowProc for the Window hwnd
registerWindowProc(HWND, WindowProc) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method registerWindowProc register a WindowProc for the Window.
RegKey - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry
$Id: RegKey.java,v 1.3 2006/06/05 21:22:02 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
RegKey(int, int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegKey
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY, String, REGSAM) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
RegOpenKeyEx Opens the specified registry key.
RegQueryInfoKey(HKEY, RegQueryKey) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
RegQueryInfoKey Retrieves information about the specified registry key.
RegQueryKey - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry
$Id: RegQueryKey.java,v 1.3 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
RegQueryKey(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegQueryKey
RegQueryValueEx(HKEY, String, RegData) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Advapi32
RegQueryValueEx Retrieves the type and data for the specified value name associated with an open registry key.
REGSAM - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
The following table lists the specific access rights for registry key objects.
RegValue - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry
$Id: RegValue.java,v 1.1 2006/06/05 21:22:02 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
RegValue(int, int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegValue
RegValueTypes - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry
The following registry value types are defined in Winnt.h.
releaseCallback(Callback) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method releaseCallback releases a callback previously created with createCallback
removeCallback() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
removeEndSessionListener(Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
reserveMemory(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.GlobalMemoryBlock
Method reserveMemory allocate a block of native memory
reserveMemory(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.HeapMemoryBlock
Method reserveMemory allocate a block of native memory
reserveMemory(int) - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.MemoryBlock
Method reserveMemory allocate a block of native memory
reserveMemory(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.NativeMemoryBlock
Method reserveMemory allocate a block of native memory
rgbResult - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
runit() - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.callbacks.linux.LinuxCallback
runIt() - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.callbacks.TestCallback


searchNativePattern(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
searchNativePattern(Pointer, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
SecurityAttributes - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
SecurityAttributes this utility class is used by Kernel32.createFile().
SecurityAttributes() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
SendMessage(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
SendMessage Function The SendMessage function sends the specified message to a window or windows.
setBInheritHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
Sets BInheritHandle
setByteAt(int, byte) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method setByteAt
setByteAt(int, byte) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method setByteAt
setCbClsExtra(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
setCbWndExtra(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Callback, boolean) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
SetConsoleCtrlHandler Adds or removes an application-defined HandlerRoutine function from the list of handler functions for the calling process.
setCustData(LPARAM) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
setDefaultCallingConvention(Convention) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
setDoubleAt(int, double) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method setDoubleAt
setErrorCode(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.BasicRegData
setFlags(LONG) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
setFloatAt(int, float) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method setFloatAt
setHbrBackground(LONG) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
setHCursor(LONG) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
setHIcon(LONG) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
setHInstance(LONG) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
setInstance(HWND) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
setIntAt(int, int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method setIntAt
setIntAt(int, int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method setIntAt
SetLastError(int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
SetLastError Sets the last-error code for the calling thread.
setLongAt(int, int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method setLongAt
setLongAt(int, long) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method setLongAt
setLpfnWndProc(LONG) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
setLpSecurityDescriptor(Pointer) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
Sets LpSecurityDescriptor
setLpszClassName(String) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
setLpszMenuName(String) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
setMemory(int, String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method setMemory fills the native memory with the content of buffer
Be aware that buffer overflows are no checked !!!!
setMemory(int, byte[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method setMemory fills the native memory with the content of buffer
Be aware that buffer overflows are no checked !!!!
setMemory(int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method setMemory fills the native memory with the content of buffer
Be aware that buffer overflows are no checked !!!!
setMemory(String) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method setMemory
setMemory(byte[]) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method setMemory
setMemory(String) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method setMemory fills the native memory with the content of buffer
setMemory(byte[]) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method setMemory fills the native memory with the content of buffer
setNLength(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SecurityAttributes
Sets NLength
setNVMData(byte[]) - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
setOwner(HWND) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
setParameter(int, int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
setParameter(int, Type, String) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method setParameter
Sets the parameter at index pos
setParameter(int, String) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method setParameter
Sets the parameter at index pos
setParameter(int, Type, byte[]) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method setParameter
Sets the parameter at index pos
setParameter(int, int, int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method setParameter
Sets the parameter at index pos
setParameter(int, Pointer) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method setParameter
Sets the parameter at index pos
setPointer(Integer) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.AbstractMemoryBlock
setPreferredMemoryType(Class<? extends MemoryBlock>) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.MemoryBlockFactory
setRetVal(Type) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
Method setRetVal fixes the return type of this function.
setShortAt(int, short) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method setShortAt
setShortAt(int, short) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method setShortAt
setSize(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.memory.AbstractMemoryBlock
setStringAt(int, String) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method setStringAt
setStringAt(int, String) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method setStringAt
setStyle(LONG) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
setTemplateName(String) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.ChooseColor
setValue(double) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.DOUBLE
setValue(float) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.FLOAT
setValue(int) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.LONG
setValue(Short) - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.UINT
SetWindowLong(HWND, int, LONG) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
LONG SetWindowLong( HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong );
setWindowPos(HWND, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
BOOL SetWindowPos( HWND hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT nFlags );
shortIntoBytes(short, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.StructConverter
showWindow(HWND, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
shutDown() - Static method in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
shutdownOccured(Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener.Origin) - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener
This event is only avaliable if launched with java.exe (console)
SIZE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.machine.Machine
sizeOf() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.DOUBLE
Method sizeOf
sizeOf() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.FLOAT
Method sizeOf
sizeOf() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.HWND
Method sizeOf
sizeOf() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.INT64
Method sizeOf
sizeOf() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.LONG
Method sizeOf
sizeOf() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.UINT
sizeOf() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
sizeOf() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG
sizeOf() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point
SNDP_APP_ERROR - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_CODELINES_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_CONNECTED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_DISCONNECTED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_DLL_ERROR - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_DOC_COMPLETE_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_FEEDER_EMPTY - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_FLOWING - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_FRONT_IMAGES_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_INVALID_DOC_ID - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_NOT_INITIALIZED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_READY - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_READYING - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_REAR_IMAGES_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDP_SHUTTING_DOWN - Static variable in class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
SNDPTester - Class in org.xvolks.test
This class demonstrates the JNative by driving a scanner $Id: SNDPTester.java,v 1.5 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
SNDPTester() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.test.SNDPTester
StructConverter - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.util
SW_FORCEMINIMIZE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_HIDE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_MAX - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_MAXIMIZE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_MINIMIZE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_RESTORE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_SHOW - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_SHOWDEFAULT - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_SHOWMINIMIZED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_SHOWNA - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SW_SHOWNORMAL - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
SYNCHRONIZE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
SystemInfo - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
SystemInfo this utility class is used by Kernel32.getNativeSystemInfo().
SystemInfo(Pointer) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo


TerminateProcess(HANDLE, int) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
TerminateProcess Terminates the specified process and all of its threads.
TestCallback - Class in org.xvolks.test.callbacks
$Id: TestCallback.java,v 1.3 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
TestCallback() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.test.callbacks.TestCallback
TimedRegData - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry
$Id: TimedRegData.java,v 1.2 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
TimedRegData(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.TimedRegData
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative.LibDesc
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.JNative
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.AbstractBasicData
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FILETIME
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.FreeDiskSpace
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.BasicRegData
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegData
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegKey
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegValue
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.TimedRegData
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
toString() - Method in class org.xvolks.test.callbacks.EnumCallback
translateMessage(MSG) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
Type - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative
This enumeration manages the different types of data nedeed by JNative.


UINT - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
UINT(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.UINT
UINT(short) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.UINT
ullAvailExtendedVirtual - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
ullAvailPageFile - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
ullAvailPhys - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
ullAvailVirtual - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
ullTotalPageFile - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
ullTotalPhys - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
ullTotalVirtual - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MemoryStatusEx
UnmapViewOfFile(LONG) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
UnmapViewOfFile Unmaps a mapped view of a file from the calling process's address space.
unregisterEndSessionHook() - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
updateWindow(HWND) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32
User32 - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.util
User32 this is the class wrapper to User32.dll.
User32() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.util.User32


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.Convention
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegValueTypes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants.Limits
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants.winuser.WM
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.AccessMask
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.CreationDisposition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.FileAttribute
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.FileMap
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.PageAccess
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.ShareMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener.Origin
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.Convention
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.misc.registry.RegValueTypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants.Limits
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants.winuser.WM
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.AccessMask
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.CreationDisposition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.FileAttribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.FileMap
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.PageAccess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32.ShareMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener.Origin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(DWORD, HANDLE[], boolean, DWORD, boolean) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
WaitForMultipleObjectsEx Waits until one or all of the specified objects are in the signaled state, an I/O completion routine or asynchronous procedure call (APC) is queued to the thread, or the time-out interval elapses.
WaitForSingleObjectEx(HANDLE, DWORD, boolean) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
WaitForSingleObjectEx Waits until the specified object is in the signaled state, an I/O completion routine or asynchronous procedure call (APC) is queued to the thread, or the time-out interval elapses.
Win32SessionManager - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session
Win32SessionManager() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener - Interface in org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session
Win32SessionManager.EndSessionListener.Origin - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session
WindowProc - Interface in org.xvolks.jnative.util
WindowProc this interface must be implemented to receive events from native window.
windowProc(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.xvolks.jnative.util.WindowProc
Method windowProc recieve events from native window
WM - Enum in org.xvolks.jnative.util.constants.winuser
WNDCLASS - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc
WNDCLASS() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
WNDCLASS(WNDCLASS) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.WNDCLASS
WPARAM - Class in org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures
$Id: WPARAM.java,v 1.5 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
WPARAM(int) - Constructor for class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.basicStructures.WPARAM
wProcessorArchitecture - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
wProcessorLevel - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
wProcessorRevision - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
wReserved - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.SystemInfo
WRITE_DAC - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
WRITE_OWNER - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.Kernel32
writeLog(String) - Static method in class org.xvolks.jnative.util.win32session.Win32SessionManager
WS_BORDER - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_CAPTION - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_CHILD - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_CHILDWINDOW - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_CLIPCHILDREN - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_DISABLED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_DLGFRAME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_GROUP - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_HSCROLL - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_ICONIC - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_MAXIMIZE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_MAXIMIZEBOX - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_MINIMIZE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_MINIMIZEBOX - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_OVERLAPPED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_POPUP - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_POPUPWINDOW - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_SIZEBOX - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_SYSMENU - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_TABSTOP - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_THICKFRAME - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_TILED - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_TILEDWINDOW - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_VISIBLE - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants
WS_VSCROLL - Static variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.MSG.WindowsConstants


x - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point


y - Variable in class org.xvolks.jnative.misc.Point


zeroMemory() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.NullPointer
Method zeroMemory
zeroMemory() - Method in class org.xvolks.jnative.pointers.Pointer
Method zeroMemory performs a memset(pointer, 0)


_1456493_npe - Class in org.xvolks.test.bug
$Id: _1456493_npe.java,v 1.2 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
_1456493_npe() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.test.bug._1456493_npe
_1461912_mem_leak - Class in org.xvolks.test.bug
$Id: _1461912_mem_leak.java,v 1.2 2006/06/09 20:44:05 mdenty Exp $ This software is released under the LGPL.
_1461912_mem_leak() - Constructor for class org.xvolks.test.bug._1461912_mem_leak

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _

JNative v1.3 project : see http://jnative.sf.net